The Alexander Technique

Do you experience back pain or tight neck and shoulders?

Would you like to experience less strain when sitting at the computer or when engaged in other common tasks for extended periods of time?

Do you suffer from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, TMJ Pain or Repetitive Strain Injury?

Are you a performer or athlete and feel you are not achieving your full potential?

Does public speaking or performing cause you anxiety?

What is the Alexander Technique?

The Alexander Technique is a widely recognized educational method for improving alignment, balance, energy and flexibility. With the Technique we learn to eliminate, without force, interference (tension) from our mind and body allowing it to function better overall and in its parts.

What are some of the benefits of lessons?

Lessons encourage the release and prevention of tension in the body making movement easier; assist breathing; teach us to be more aware of our unproductive habits and how we can consciously change them; enable us to preserve energy with less effort; bring about improved physical and mental health; teach us how to find poise in any situation.

Who benefits from studying the Technique?


One does not have to be in great discomfort or pain to benefit. Many study the process simply to enhance their lives.

If you have the desire to think and move with less effort and the self-possession to accept responsibility for the “use” of yourself, you will benefit from practice of the Alexander Technique.


Poised vs. Relaxed?!

(Move cursor over photo.)

Poised vs Slumped Rollover Photo

Watch what happens when Blaire "relaxes" or slumps: her entire skeleton is thrown out of balance all the way down to her feet.

By contrast, her poised stance is not held-up or postured, but balanced, less effortful.

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